be still, what about love? paintings #1 and #2

Both are acrylic on wood panel. These are the first couple paintings that I've been working on. What about love? is finished. I'm still working on Be Still. 
The story behind what about love: Elizabeth and I went out to eat a few weeks ago to a place called Melt in Lakewood. It's a delicious gourmet grilled cheese restaurant which boasts a near 2 hour wait to be seated. It was worth the wait. Check it out if you don't believe me. Anyways, instead of taking your name to reserve your table, you draw a random name out of a bucket. The name we picked out was "What about love?"
If you ask me about my week...I usually have a theme for each week depending on what God is doing in my life at the moment. I had been reading a lot about social justice in the book of Isaiah, and also was reading a book called Unshaken by Dan Woolley that Elizabeth let me borrow awhile back about a Compassion International employee that was stuck under the rubble of Haiti's collapsed Hotel Montana. A combination of the things I had been reading, and conversations and situations I got myself into formed the basis for these first two paintings. 
The five themes that I've decided to work into my paintings are love, peace,  justice, evil, and forgiveness. As I begin to read more about compassion international and their mission I begin to get a picture of what these paintings will represent. In "What about love?" I asked myself the question: What is love? and is it enough? These questions brought me to re-examine the gospels and to understand Jesus' love mission. In the "Be Still" painting, I pasted some newspaper clippings of the earthquake that devastated Haiti this past year. It's hard to make out what it says, but I wanted it to be a piece of the art because I believe that despite the suffering around the world, God has a plan for us and we should know that we can rest in the hope we have in Christ. "Be Still" encompasses the rest we find in Christ despite the chaos. 

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